Out of Time Pictures completed principal photography on the proof-of-concept for the Amityville: The People of New York vs Ronald J DeFeo Jr in May of 2022. Rob Levinson wrote, directed and co-produced. Carl Paradise and Nick Gordon co-produced. Filming of this period-piece was conducted in several towns throughout Rhode Island.
Maneuvering his way into being assigned the most infamous murder trial in Long Island’s history, Assistant District Attorney Gerard Sullivan could not prepare himself for what was around the corner. In 1975, Ronald J DeFeo Jr. would stand trial for the murders of six of his family members in Amityville, New York. Sullivan, along with a host of Suffolk County’s finest, painstakingly piece together this complicated case that captivated this sleepy hollow community.
Starring Eddie Nason as Assistant District Attorney Gerard Sullivan, Ethan Rodgers as Ronald Defeo Jr, Kris Salvi as Attorney William Weber, Amy Thomason as Betty Jane Sullivan, Marc Powers as Detective Gerard Gozaloff, David Torres Jr as Detective Gaspar Randazzo, Donnie Francis as Detective Joseph Napolitano, Timothy Connelly as Detective George Harrison, Justin Thibault as Officer Ken Greguski, Kayla Caulfield as Mindy Weiss, Paul Kandarian as Michael Brigante Sr, Paul Noonan as Judge Thomas Stark and Nick Gordon as Thomas Spota.
Out of Time Pictures and GR Films completed principal photography on their first joint film production in May 2021! “Therapy” written and directed by Rob Levinson and co-produced with Gabrielle Rosson, of GR Films, is slated for release this summer. Once again, we had the opportunity to work with one of the busiest cinematographers in New England, Chris Esper. Chris brings a keen eye to every shoot and is a fabulous filmmaker, who loves telling stories. Chris recently was the cinematographer for the proof of concept, Indescribable Urgencies. I encourage everyone to visit his website, Stories in Motion to learn more about the services that Chris can bring to any film project.
Cinematographer/Writer/Director Chris Esper
Writer/Director Gabrielle Rosson
Gabrielle Rosson is a writer, director, and producer. Gabby’s passion is telling rich stories that will leave the audience with a memory they won’t soon forget. Gabby’s work includes Get Up Eight, Salvation, Heart Wreck, and Dessert. Not only does Gabby write, produce and direct, she’s an incredible set designer. Gabrielle is truly a renaissance woman who pulls from a variety of influences.
Megan and Arthur’s marriage is in trouble… real trouble. After years of marital bliss, suspicions of infidelity arise. The two seek out the services of one of New England’s finest marriage therapists, Dr. Beverly Romano. After weeks of counseling a startling revelation is disclosed.
Therapy stars some of New England’s best actors, Kris Salvi, Katie Killourhy and Gabrielle Rosson.

A World of Hurt was officially released on YouTube on July 5, 2021.
Out of Time Pictures completed production on their third film, “A World of Hurt,” in July of 2020. Post-production was completed in September and the film is currently circulating in the global film festival circuit. A World of Hurt is a complex web of faith, loss and a longing for salvation. A parent’s faith in God and their marriage is put to the ultimate test, as they mourn the recent death of their young son. As a Georgia Lawman, it’s all black & white for Wyatt Estridge but what lies just beneath the surface tells a different tale.

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